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Traffic Cone Deployment Robot

We are a team of undergraduate Engineering Science students from the University of Toronto that designed and fabricated an autonomous mobile traffic cone deployment robot.

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Welcome to the traffic-cone-deployment-robot website!

This website contains a collection of content which is intended to showcase our design process and achievements of building a traffic cone deployment robot for the Engineering Design course AER201.

AER201 Engineering Design

This course addresses open-ended and multidisciplinary design problems, with the objective of integrating design, engineering analysis, and hardware implementation. The emphasis in this course is not on studying in a classroom from a list of topics, but rather it is a project course, although the fundamentals of design as well as some practical technical notes will also be taught through weekly lectures. After a series of lectures students work in teams on a realistic project. The projects are open-ended design problems relating to fields of electromechanical, computer hardware and software, and instrumentation and interfacing.


The goal of our project is to design and manufacture the scaled-down, proof-of-concept prototype of a mobile platform that can travel along a designated lane and deploy traffic cones.



The robot was designed and built to exceed the competitions requirements with the following features: