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Traffic Cone Deployment Robot

We are a team of undergraduate Engineering Science students from the University of Toronto that designed and fabricated an autonomous mobile traffic cone deployment robot.

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AER201 Engineering Design

Working on interesting and challenging design projects will provide us with extensive knowledge, experience as well as some of the most unforgettable memories of our undergraduate study. These projects have been carefully defined to match the level of knowledge and capabilities of second-year students, yet to offer us challenge, innovation, and a thorough view of real-life engineering problems. The multi-disciplinary nature of these projects ensures that we will learn a broad range of mechanical, electrical, and computer implementation.

After completing this project, we were able to improve ourselves in the following aspects:

  1. Designing a solution for an initially unbounded problem, with a multidisciplinary nature, using an iterative, concurrent design process.
  2. Implementing design ideas, and creating realistic mechatronics systems.
  3. Effectively surveying the industrial resources for alternative solutions.
  4. Completing a design project (including fabrication, integration, and debugging) through the detailed design stage in a timely manner.
  5. Developing and using mathematical methods and tools for the synthesis and analysis of realistic engineering problems.
  6. Effectively performing the tasks of component search and acquisition from the market.
  7. Performing test and troubleshooting on different subsystems, as well as rapid prototyping using hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
  8. Participating effectively and provide leadership in an engineering design team.
  9. Gaining confidence in technical abilities.
  10. Preparing and presenting written and oral presentations (proposals, reports, demos, etc.) as part of the design procedure.