Deadline: June 18th, 11:59pm
Late Penalty: There is a penalty-free grace period of one hour past the deadline. Any work that is submitted between 1 hour and 24 hours past the deadline will receive a 20% grade deduction. No other late work is accepted. Quercus submission time will be used, not your local computer time. You can submit your labs as many times as you want before the deadline, so please submit often and early.
In this assignment, we will build a recurrent neural network to classify a SMS text message as "spam" or "not spam". In the process, you will
Submit a PDF file containing all your code, outputs, and write-up. You can produce a PDF of your Google Colab file by going to File > Print and then save as PDF. The Colab instructions have more information (.html files are also acceptable).
Do not submit any other files produced by your code.
Include a link to your colab file in your submission.
Include a link to your Colab file here. If you would like the TA to look at your Colab file in case your solutions are cut off, please make sure that your Colab file is publicly accessible at the time of submission.
Colab Link:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
We will be using the "SMS Spam Collection Data Set" available at
There is a link to download the "Data Folder" at the very top of the webpage. Download the zip file, unzip it, and upload the file SMSSpamCollection
to Colab.
Open up the file in Python, and print out one example of a spam SMS, and one example of a non-spam SMS.
What is the label value for a spam message, and what is the label value for a non-spam message?
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/gdrive
cd gdrive/MyDrive/EngSci 2T1 + PEY/Year 4/Summer/APS360/Labs/Lab_5_Spam_Detection
/content/gdrive/MyDrive/EngSci 2T1 + PEY/Year 4/Summer/APS360/Labs/Lab_5_Spam_Detection
for line in open('SMSSpamCollection'):
if line[0] == 's':
for line in open('SMSSpamCollection'):
if line[0] == 'h':
spam Free entry in 2 a wkly comp to win FA Cup final tkts 21st May 2005. Text FA to 87121 to receive entry question(std txt rate)T&C's apply 08452810075over18's ham Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat...
As shown in the print outs above, the label for a spam message is "spam" and the label for a non-spam message is "ham".
How many spam messages are there in the data set? How many non-spam messages are there in the data set?
spam = 0
ham = 0
for line in open('SMSSpamCollection'):
if line[0] == 's':
spam += 1
elif line[0] == 'h':
ham += 1
print("There are", spam, "spam messages in the data set.")
print("There are", ham, "non-spam messages in the data set.")
There are 747 spam messages in the data set. There are 4827 non-spam messages in the data set.
We will be using the package torchtext
to load, process, and batch the data.
A tutorial to torchtext is available below. This tutorial uses the same
Sentiment140 data set that we explored during lecture.
Unlike what we did during lecture, we will be building a character level RNN. That is, we will treat each character as a token in our sequence, rather than each word.
Identify two advantage and two disadvantage of modelling SMS text messages as a sequence of characters rather than a sequence of words.
We will be loading our data set using
. The
constructor will read directly from the SMSSpamCollection
For the data file to be read successfuly, we need to specify the fields (columns) in the file. In our case, the dataset has two fields:
Split the dataset into train
, valid
, and test
. Use a 60-20-20 split.
You may find this torchtext API page helpful:
Hint: There is a Dataset
method that can perform the random split for you.
import torchtext
text_field =, # text sequence
tokenize=lambda x: x, # because are building a character-RNN
include_lengths=True, # to track the length of sequences, for batching
use_vocab=True) # to turn each character into an integer index
label_field =, # not a sequence
use_vocab=False, # don't need to track vocabulary
preprocessing=lambda x: int(x == 'spam')) # convert text to 0 and 1
fields = [('label', label_field), ('sms', text_field)]
dataset ="SMSSpamCollection", # name of the file
"tsv", # fields are separated by a tab
'Go until jurong point, crazy.. Available only in bugis n great world la e buffet... Cine there got amore wat...'
train, valid, test = dataset.split(split_ratio=[0.6,0.2,0.2],
You saw in part (b) that there are many more non-spam messages than spam messages. This imbalance in our training data will be problematic for training. We can fix this disparity by duplicating spam messages in the training set, so that the training set is roughly balanced.
Explain why having a balanced training set is helpful for training our neural network.
Note: if you are not sure, try removing the below code and train your mode.
# save the original training examples
old_train_examples = train.examples
# get all the spam messages in `train`
train_spam = []
for item in train.examples:
if item.label == 1:
# duplicate each spam message 6 more times
train.examples = old_train_examples + train_spam * 6
It is important to have a balanced training set because it is undesirable to introduce any biases into the neural network model. In this case, since there are many more non-spam messages, the model will be biased towards the non-spam class. As a result, even if the model results in a high training accuracy, it does not indicate that we have learned a good model for this problem.
We need to build the vocabulary on the training data by running the below code. This finds all the possible character tokens in the training set.
Explain what the variables text_field.vocab.stoi
and text_field.vocab.itos
defaultdict(<bound method Vocab._default_unk_index of <torchtext.legacy.vocab.Vocab object at 0x7f491b47c350>>, {'\t': 106, '\n': 107, ' ': 2, '!': 44, '"': 80, '#': 79, '$': 90, '%': 93, '&': 63, "'": 60, '(': 76, ')': 72, '*': 71, '+': 75, ',': 46, '-': 64, '.': 16, '/': 59, '0': 14, '1': 23, '2': 25, '3': 42, '4': 37, '5': 32, '6': 43, '7': 40, '8': 28, '9': 49, ':': 65, ';': 74, '<': 87, '<pad>': 1, '<unk>': 0, '=': 82, '>': 81, '?': 61, '@': 83, 'A': 41, 'B': 55, 'C': 34, 'D': 54, 'E': 30, 'F': 57, 'G': 58, 'H': 53, 'I': 36, 'J': 73, 'K': 70, 'L': 52, 'M': 51, 'N': 38, 'O': 35, 'P': 47, 'Q': 78, 'R': 45, 'S': 33, 'T': 27, 'U': 50, 'V': 68, 'W': 48, 'X': 66, 'Y': 56, 'Z': 84, '[': 91, '\\': 102, ']': 92, '^': 110, '_': 98, 'a': 6, 'b': 26, 'c': 17, 'd': 15, 'e': 3, 'f': 24, 'g': 22, 'h': 13, 'i': 9, 'j': 69, 'k': 29, 'l': 11, 'm': 18, 'n': 7, 'o': 4, 'p': 21, 'q': 77, 'r': 8, 's': 10, 't': 5, 'u': 12, 'v': 31, 'w': 20, 'x': 39, 'y': 19, 'z': 67, '|': 88, '~': 108, '\x91': 109, '\x92': 89, '\x93': 95, '\x94': 103, '\x96': 104, '¡': 96, '£': 62, '»': 111, 'É': 112, 'Ü': 86, 'è': 113, 'é': 105, 'ì': 114, 'ü': 85, '–': 100, '—': 115, '‘': 94, '’': 99, '“': 97, '…': 101, '┾': 116, '〨': 117, '鈥': 118})
['<unk>', '<pad>', ' ', 'e', 'o', 't', 'a', 'n', 'r', 'i', 's', 'l', 'u', 'h', '0', 'd', '.', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'w', 'p', 'g', '1', 'f', '2', 'b', 'T', '8', 'k', 'E', 'v', '5', 'S', 'C', 'O', 'I', '4', 'N', 'x', '7', 'A', '3', '6', '!', 'R', ',', 'P', 'W', '9', 'U', 'M', 'L', 'H', 'D', 'B', 'Y', 'F', 'G', '/', "'", '?', '£', '&', '-', ':', 'X', 'z', 'V', 'j', 'K', '*', ')', 'J', ';', '+', '(', 'q', 'Q', '#', '"', '>', '=', '@', 'Z', 'ü', 'Ü', '<', '|', '\x92', '$', '[', ']', '%', '‘', '\x93', '¡', '“', '_', '’', '–', '…', '\\', '\x94', '\x96', 'é', '\t', '\n', '~', '\x91', '^', '»', 'É', 'è', 'ì', '—', '┾', '〨', '鈥']
As shown in the code above, the variable text_field.vocab.stoi
is a dictionary mapping of character tokens to integer indices, where stoi
stands for string to integer.
The variable text_field.vocab.itos
represents a list mapping integer indices to the character tokens, where itos
stands for integer to string.
The tokens <unk>
and <pad>
were not in our SMS text messages.
What do these two values represent?
The <unk>
token represents an unknown token, which means that the token is unrecognized.
The <pad>
token represents padding. Since the SMS text messages vary in length, padding is applied to ensure training data in the same batch have equal lengths.
Since text sequences are of variable length, torchtext
provides a BucketIterator
data loader,
which batches similar length sequences together. The iterator also provides functionalities to
pad sequences automatically.
Take a look at 10 batches in train_iter
. What is the maximum length of the
input sequence in each batch? How many <pad>
tokens are used in each of the 10
train_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms), # to minimize padding
sort_within_batch=True, # sort within each batch
repeat=False) # repeat the iterator for many epochs
i = 0
for batch in train_iter:
if i == 10:
pad = 0
print("Batch", i+1, ":")
print("\tMaximum Length =", int(batch.sms[1][0]))
for sms in batch.sms[1]:
pad += batch.sms[1][0] - sms
print("\tNumber of <pad> tokens =", int(pad))
i += 1
Batch 1 : Maximum Length = 55 Number of <pad> tokens = 33 Batch 2 : Maximum Length = 25 Number of <pad> tokens = 25 Batch 3 : Maximum Length = 76 Number of <pad> tokens = 35 Batch 4 : Maximum Length = 143 Number of <pad> tokens = 0 Batch 5 : Maximum Length = 156 Number of <pad> tokens = 0 Batch 6 : Maximum Length = 88 Number of <pad> tokens = 56 Batch 7 : Maximum Length = 50 Number of <pad> tokens = 18 Batch 8 : Maximum Length = 144 Number of <pad> tokens = 1 Batch 9 : Maximum Length = 149 Number of <pad> tokens = 32 Batch 10 : Maximum Length = 80 Number of <pad> tokens = 55
Build a recurrent neural network model, using an architecture of your choosing. Use the one-hot embedding of each character as input to your recurrent network. Use one or more fully-connected layers to make the prediction based on your recurrent network output.
Instead of using the RNN output value for the final token, another often used strategy is to max-pool over the entire output array. That is, instead of calling something like:
out, _ = self.rnn(x)
self.fc(out[:, -1, :])
where self.rnn
is an nn.RNN
, nn.GRU
, or nn.LSTM
module, and self.fc
is a
layer, we use:
out, _ = self.rnn(x)
self.fc(torch.max(out, dim=1)[0])
This works reasonably in practice. An even better alternative is to concatenate the max-pooling and average-pooling of the RNN outputs:
out, _ = self.rnn(x)
out =[torch.max(out, dim=1)[0],
torch.mean(out, dim=1)], dim=1)
We encourage you to try out all these options. The way you pool the RNN outputs is one of the "hyperparameters" that you can choose to tune later on.
# You might find this code helpful for obtaining
# PyTorch one-hot vectors.
ident = torch.eye(10)
print(ident[0]) # one-hot vector
print(ident[1]) # one-hot vector
x = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print(ident[x]) # one-hot vectors
tensor([1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) tensor([0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]) tensor([[[0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]], [[0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]])
class RNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size):
super(RNN, self).__init__() = "rnn"
self.emb = torch.eye(len(text_field.vocab.itos))
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.rnn = nn.RNN(len(text_field.vocab.itos), hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 2)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.emb[x]
h0 = torch.zeros(1, x.size(0), self.hidden_size)
out, _ = self.rnn(x, h0)
out = self.fc(out[:, -1, :])
return out
def get_accuracy(model, data_loader):
""" Compute the accuracy of the `model` across a dataset `data`
Example usage:
>>> model = MyRNN() # to be defined
>>> get_accuracy(model, valid) # the variable `valid` is from above
correct, total = 0, 0
for batch in data_loader:
messages = batch.sms
labels = batch.label
output = model(messages[0])
pred = output.max(1, keepdim=True)[1]
correct += pred.eq(labels.view_as(pred)).sum().item()
total += labels.shape[0]
return correct / total
Train your model. Plot the training curve of your final model. Your training curve should have the training/validation loss and accuracy plotted periodically.
Note: Not all of your batches will have the same batch size. In particular, if your training set does not divide evenly by your batch size, there will be a batch that is smaller than the rest.
def get_val_loss(model, valid_loader, criterion):
total_val_loss = 0.0
i = 0
for batch in valid_loader:
messages = batch.sms
labels = batch.label
pred = model(messages[0])
loss = criterion(pred, labels)
total_val_loss += loss.item()
i += 1
val_loss = float(total_val_loss)/(i + 1)
return val_loss
def train(model, train_loader, valid_loader, num_epochs=5, learning_rate=1e-5):
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
train_acc, train_loss, val_acc, val_loss = [], [], [], []
epochs = []
start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
total_train_loss = 0.0
i = 0
for batch in train_loader:
messages = batch.sms
labels = batch.label
pred = model(messages[0])
loss = criterion(pred, labels)
total_train_loss += loss.item()
i += 1
train_acc.append(get_accuracy(model, train_loader))
train_loss.append(float(total_train_loss)/(i + 1))
val_acc.append(get_accuracy(model, valid_loader))
val_loss.append(get_val_loss(model, valid_loader, criterion))
print(("Epoch {}: Train acc: {}, Train loss: {} |"+
"Validation acc: {}, Validation loss: {}").format(
epoch + 1,
print('Finished Training')
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
print("Total time elapsed: {:.2f} seconds".format(elapsed_time))
# Plotting
plt.title("Train vs Validation Loss")
plt.plot(epochs, train_loss, label="Train")
plt.plot(epochs, val_loss, label="Validation")
plt.title("Train vs Validation Accuracy")
plt.plot(epochs, train_acc, label="Train")
plt.plot(epochs, val_acc, label="Validation")
print("Final Training Accuracy: {}".format(train_acc[-1]))
print("Final Validation Accuracy: {}".format(val_acc[-1]))
valid_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms), # to minimize padding
sort_within_batch=True, # sort within each batch
repeat=False) # repeat the iterator for many epochs
model = RNN(50)
train(model, train_iter, valid_iter, num_epochs=20, learning_rate=2e-4)
Epoch 1: Train acc: 0.7141435914442049, Train loss: 0.6804776721879056 |Validation acc: 0.5210762331838565, Validation loss: 0.6698493676053153 Epoch 2: Train acc: 0.8942132316365445, Train loss: 0.4965032028524499 |Validation acc: 0.8834080717488789, Validation loss: 0.4002683055069711 Epoch 3: Train acc: 0.8885756922566739, Train loss: 0.3184615362631647 |Validation acc: 0.9542600896860987, Validation loss: 0.22565977896253267 Epoch 4: Train acc: 0.8623777151384513, Train loss: 0.4132004074360195 |Validation acc: 0.9515695067264573, Validation loss: 0.28194522733489674 Epoch 5: Train acc: 0.9149394793566573, Train loss: 0.28518127595123494 |Validation acc: 0.947085201793722, Validation loss: 0.18944910044471422 Epoch 6: Train acc: 0.8512684463604709, Train loss: 0.39714714010295116 |Validation acc: 0.8896860986547085, Validation loss: 0.4248014572593901 Epoch 7: Train acc: 0.9265461780799205, Train loss: 0.26450181503437065 |Validation acc: 0.9461883408071748, Validation loss: 0.16993081517931488 Epoch 8: Train acc: 0.9354999170950091, Train loss: 0.21749202187516187 |Validation acc: 0.9479820627802691, Validation loss: 0.17355751535958713 Epoch 9: Train acc: 0.9371580169126181, Train loss: 0.2266298216620558 |Validation acc: 0.9426008968609866, Validation loss: 0.18699265540473992 Epoch 10: Train acc: 0.9359973470402918, Train loss: 0.2038432311070593 |Validation acc: 0.9318385650224216, Validation loss: 0.2082437134037415 Epoch 11: Train acc: 0.93748963687614, Train loss: 0.20630390554862588 |Validation acc: 0.957847533632287, Validation loss: 0.14254902354958984 Epoch 12: Train acc: 0.9359973470402918, Train loss: 0.1950058726593852 |Validation acc: 0.9650224215246637, Validation loss: 0.13023561580727497 Epoch 13: Train acc: 0.9466091858729896, Train loss: 0.19805037038106668 |Validation acc: 0.9587443946188341, Validation loss: 0.14214143105265167 Epoch 14: Train acc: 0.9359973470402918, Train loss: 0.25459308167919514 |Validation acc: 0.9587443946188341, Validation loss: 0.15223710839119223 Epoch 15: Train acc: 0.6957386834687448, Train loss: 0.31242987642946995 |Validation acc: 0.47085201793721976, Validation loss: 0.713133735789193 Epoch 16: Train acc: 0.8277234289504228, Train loss: 0.4504673296683713 |Validation acc: 0.8448430493273542, Validation loss: 0.42072220063871807 Epoch 17: Train acc: 0.9336760072956392, Train loss: 0.34111918430579335 |Validation acc: 0.9533632286995516, Validation loss: 0.164895406510267 Epoch 18: Train acc: 0.9427955562924888, Train loss: 0.20142880448777425 |Validation acc: 0.9408071748878923, Validation loss: 0.16166115562534994 Epoch 19: Train acc: 0.947604045763555, Train loss: 0.18631989463771645 |Validation acc: 0.9632286995515695, Validation loss: 0.11617447052978808 Epoch 20: Train acc: 0.9406400265295971, Train loss: 0.2006524994577232 |Validation acc: 0.9434977578475336, Validation loss: 0.14794848207384348 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 97.70 seconds
Final Training Accuracy: 0.9406400265295971 Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9434977578475336
Choose at least 4 hyperparameters to tune. Explain how you tuned the hyperparameters. You don't need to include your training curve for every model you trained. Instead, explain what hyperparemters you tuned, what the best validation accuracy was, and the reasoning behind the hyperparameter decisions you made.
For this assignment, you should tune more than just your learning rate and epoch. Choose at least 2 hyperparameters that are unrelated to the optimizer.
# Since the training curves of the model in Part (b) were noisy, learning_rate is decreased from 2e-4 to 1e-4
model_1 = RNN(50)
train(model_1, train_iter, valid_iter, num_epochs=20, learning_rate=1e-4)
# Results:
# Final Training Accuracy: 0.9436246062012933
# Final Validation Accuracy: 0.957847533632287
Epoch 1: Train acc: 0.5206433427292323, Train loss: 0.6903340483966627 |Validation acc: 0.13542600896860987, Validation loss: 0.7396099650197558 Epoch 2: Train acc: 0.7149726413530094, Train loss: 0.6690227590109172 |Validation acc: 0.525560538116592, Validation loss: 0.6657121595409181 Epoch 3: Train acc: 0.8792903332780634, Train loss: 0.5217389828280399 |Validation acc: 0.905829596412556, Validation loss: 0.37643614245785606 Epoch 4: Train acc: 0.8995191510528934, Train loss: 0.37207915084926707 |Validation acc: 0.9237668161434978, Validation loss: 0.3236350541313489 Epoch 5: Train acc: 0.8948764715635882, Train loss: 0.32155652532452034 |Validation acc: 0.9488789237668162, Validation loss: 0.2462928079896503 Epoch 6: Train acc: 0.9041618305421987, Train loss: 0.3088581658507648 |Validation acc: 0.9506726457399103, Validation loss: 0.2247312255203724 Epoch 7: Train acc: 0.9112916597579174, Train loss: 0.30459735405288246 |Validation acc: 0.9506726457399103, Validation loss: 0.21617909810609287 Epoch 8: Train acc: 0.9114574697396783, Train loss: 0.31656184247449826 |Validation acc: 0.9497757847533632, Validation loss: 0.2069790725492769 Epoch 9: Train acc: 0.9217376886088543, Train loss: 0.2707316149418291 |Validation acc: 0.9255605381165919, Validation loss: 0.2510863290064865 Epoch 10: Train acc: 0.9192505388824407, Train loss: 0.250418108505638 |Validation acc: 0.9452914798206278, Validation loss: 0.2038864197416438 Epoch 11: Train acc: 0.9162659592107445, Train loss: 0.24597041153986204 |Validation acc: 0.9147982062780269, Validation loss: 0.2541445634431309 Epoch 12: Train acc: 0.9363289670038136, Train loss: 0.249507427607712 |Validation acc: 0.9452914798206278, Validation loss: 0.2296621778772937 Epoch 13: Train acc: 0.9285358978610513, Train loss: 0.2340851051242728 |Validation acc: 0.947085201793722, Validation loss: 0.22126217828028732 Epoch 14: Train acc: 0.9277068479522467, Train loss: 0.22029609633119482 |Validation acc: 0.9533632286995516, Validation loss: 0.1681025337634815 Epoch 15: Train acc: 0.9384844967667053, Train loss: 0.24914016075628367 |Validation acc: 0.9497757847533632, Validation loss: 0.17783430384265053 Epoch 16: Train acc: 0.93748963687614, Train loss: 0.21806052491853112 |Validation acc: 0.9497757847533632, Validation loss: 0.1797734952221314 Epoch 17: Train acc: 0.939147736693749, Train loss: 0.20676536771811937 |Validation acc: 0.9551569506726457, Validation loss: 0.16786408155328697 Epoch 18: Train acc: 0.8776322334604543, Train loss: 0.20116905517091876 |Validation acc: 0.809865470852018, Validation loss: 0.46162457888325054 Epoch 19: Train acc: 0.9396451666390316, Train loss: 0.2118614126486998 |Validation acc: 0.9497757847533632, Validation loss: 0.1768091426541408 Epoch 20: Train acc: 0.9436246062012933, Train loss: 0.1978954168330682 |Validation acc: 0.957847533632287, Validation loss: 0.1567128234439426 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 97.72 seconds
Final Training Accuracy: 0.9436246062012933 Final Validation Accuracy: 0.957847533632287
# In Part 2, it is stated that the way the RNN outputs are pooled can be tuned as well
# A new architecture that uses max-pool over the entire output array is proposed
class RNN_max(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size):
super(RNN_max, self).__init__() = "rnn_max"
self.emb = torch.eye(len(text_field.vocab.itos))
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.rnn = nn.RNN(len(text_field.vocab.itos), hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 2)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.emb[x]
h0 = torch.zeros(1, x.size(0), self.hidden_size)
out, _ = self.rnn(x, h0)
out = self.fc(torch.max(out, dim=1)[0])
return out
model_2 = RNN_max(50)
train(model_2, train_iter, valid_iter, num_epochs=20, learning_rate=1e-4)
# Results:
# Final Training Accuracy: 0.9699883933012767
# Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9721973094170404
Epoch 1: Train acc: 0.5199801028021886, Train loss: 0.6864059423145495 |Validation acc: 0.13452914798206278, Validation loss: 0.7529377225372527 Epoch 2: Train acc: 0.5201459127839496, Train loss: 0.6629379542250382 |Validation acc: 0.13452914798206278, Validation loss: 0.7016291419665018 Epoch 3: Train acc: 0.8386668877466423, Train loss: 0.6250654971913288 |Validation acc: 0.7201793721973094, Validation loss: 0.646301786104838 Epoch 4: Train acc: 0.9446194660918588, Train loss: 0.5436547732666919 |Validation acc: 0.9533632286995516, Validation loss: 0.5371421931518449 Epoch 5: Train acc: 0.9295307577516166, Train loss: 0.4180502640573602 |Validation acc: 0.9650224215246637, Validation loss: 0.4045275491144922 Epoch 6: Train acc: 0.9287017078428121, Train loss: 0.31714222078260623 |Validation acc: 0.9488789237668162, Validation loss: 0.32067176575462025 Epoch 7: Train acc: 0.932349527441552, Train loss: 0.254495153262427 |Validation acc: 0.9757847533632287, Validation loss: 0.23551247227523062 Epoch 8: Train acc: 0.9515834853258166, Train loss: 0.21629952992263593 |Validation acc: 0.9730941704035875, Validation loss: 0.219858322913448 Epoch 9: Train acc: 0.9529099651799038, Train loss: 0.1892612285519901 |Validation acc: 0.9757847533632287, Validation loss: 0.1884918984853559 Epoch 10: Train acc: 0.9582158845962527, Train loss: 0.17592544554683723 |Validation acc: 0.9721973094170404, Validation loss: 0.1774116497900751 Epoch 11: Train acc: 0.9592107444868181, Train loss: 0.1596182099102359 |Validation acc: 0.967713004484305, Validation loss: 0.16809018949667612 Epoch 12: Train acc: 0.9600397943956226, Train loss: 0.15108841550781538 |Validation acc: 0.9650224215246637, Validation loss: 0.16362176131871012 Epoch 13: Train acc: 0.9603714143591444, Train loss: 0.13934205893525167 |Validation acc: 0.9766816143497757, Validation loss: 0.12665037334793144 Epoch 14: Train acc: 0.9605372243409053, Train loss: 0.13300600263633225 |Validation acc: 0.9775784753363229, Validation loss: 0.11467103566974401 Epoch 15: Train acc: 0.9666721936660587, Train loss: 0.12672864273680667 |Validation acc: 0.9748878923766816, Validation loss: 0.1219657248713904 Epoch 16: Train acc: 0.9668380036478196, Train loss: 0.12236000161225859 |Validation acc: 0.9748878923766816, Validation loss: 0.11857040309243733 Epoch 17: Train acc: 0.9648482838666887, Train loss: 0.11913930052695305 |Validation acc: 0.97847533632287, Validation loss: 0.09954664406056206 Epoch 18: Train acc: 0.9653457138119714, Train loss: 0.11559367523479619 |Validation acc: 0.9811659192825112, Validation loss: 0.09594070673402813 Epoch 19: Train acc: 0.9650140938484497, Train loss: 0.1101354196152993 |Validation acc: 0.9641255605381166, Validation loss: 0.15401534415367577 Epoch 20: Train acc: 0.9699883933012767, Train loss: 0.10883524032603753 |Validation acc: 0.9721973094170404, Validation loss: 0.12784125304056537 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 96.49 seconds
Final Training Accuracy: 0.9699883933012767 Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9721973094170404
# Since changing the way the RNN outputs are pooled increased the training and validation accuracies,
# a new architecture that concatenates the max-pooling and average-pooling of the RNN outputs is proposed
class RNN_cat(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, hidden_size):
super(RNN_cat, self).__init__() = "rnn_cat"
self.emb = torch.eye(len(text_field.vocab.itos))
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.rnn = nn.RNN(len(text_field.vocab.itos), hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size*2, 2)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.emb[x]
h0 = torch.zeros(1, x.size(0), self.hidden_size)
out, _ = self.rnn(x, h0)
out =[torch.max(out, dim=1)[0],
torch.mean(out, dim=1)], dim=1)
return self.fc(out)
model_3 = RNN_cat(50)
train(model_3, train_iter, valid_iter, num_epochs=20, learning_rate=1e-4)
# Results:
# Final Training Accuracy: 0.9597081744321008
# Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9820627802690582
Epoch 1: Train acc: 0.5199801028021886, Train loss: 0.6829111055323952 |Validation acc: 0.13452914798206278, Validation loss: 0.7191536360316806 Epoch 2: Train acc: 0.5317526115072128, Train loss: 0.6606561965063998 |Validation acc: 0.15605381165919283, Validation loss: 0.6870254576206207 Epoch 3: Train acc: 0.8887415022384347, Train loss: 0.5713585249687496 |Validation acc: 0.8896860986547085, Validation loss: 0.5455599890814887 Epoch 4: Train acc: 0.8617144752114078, Train loss: 0.4322897091507912 |Validation acc: 0.947085201793722, Validation loss: 0.35540933658679325 Epoch 5: Train acc: 0.91543690930194, Train loss: 0.35486842691898346 |Validation acc: 0.9345291479820628, Validation loss: 0.334542453289032 Epoch 6: Train acc: 0.925717128171116, Train loss: 0.29781997635176305 |Validation acc: 0.9201793721973094, Validation loss: 0.3418952338397503 Epoch 7: Train acc: 0.925717128171116, Train loss: 0.25482927074557854 |Validation acc: 0.968609865470852, Validation loss: 0.17259083771043354 Epoch 8: Train acc: 0.9467749958547504, Train loss: 0.2185006145583956 |Validation acc: 0.9515695067264573, Validation loss: 0.24024947318765852 Epoch 9: Train acc: 0.9535732051069474, Train loss: 0.18600512070483283 |Validation acc: 0.9721973094170404, Validation loss: 0.15196826246877512 Epoch 10: Train acc: 0.9560603548333609, Train loss: 0.17898655318115886 |Validation acc: 0.9748878923766816, Validation loss: 0.13282323711448246 Epoch 11: Train acc: 0.9580500746144918, Train loss: 0.16040640539048534 |Validation acc: 0.9713004484304932, Validation loss: 0.13707797332770294 Epoch 12: Train acc: 0.9225667385176588, Train loss: 0.15639349662355687 |Validation acc: 0.8825112107623319, Validation loss: 0.2779569073269765 Epoch 13: Train acc: 0.9570552147239264, Train loss: 0.14546924589299842 |Validation acc: 0.9533632286995516, Validation loss: 0.1597701623621914 Epoch 14: Train acc: 0.9570552147239264, Train loss: 0.13870882157628472 |Validation acc: 0.9479820627802691, Validation loss: 0.1524360270963775 Epoch 15: Train acc: 0.9590449345050572, Train loss: 0.13771911606094556 |Validation acc: 0.9775784753363229, Validation loss: 0.0917315689019031 Epoch 16: Train acc: 0.9565577847786437, Train loss: 0.1318810817540476 |Validation acc: 0.97847533632287, Validation loss: 0.08685739607446724 Epoch 17: Train acc: 0.9446194660918588, Train loss: 0.13068280584227882 |Validation acc: 0.97847533632287, Validation loss: 0.07481918608148892 Epoch 18: Train acc: 0.9663405737025369, Train loss: 0.12833534240673639 |Validation acc: 0.9704035874439462, Validation loss: 0.11338703758600685 Epoch 19: Train acc: 0.9666721936660587, Train loss: 0.11415863792460999 |Validation acc: 0.9802690582959641, Validation loss: 0.07986906952121192 Epoch 20: Train acc: 0.9597081744321008, Train loss: 0.11427171845969401 |Validation acc: 0.9820627802690582, Validation loss: 0.06881144906704624 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 100.55 seconds
Final Training Accuracy: 0.9597081744321008 Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9820627802690582
# Since model_3 performed the best so far, the number of hidden units is increased from 50 to 100 using the RNN_cat architecture
model_4 = RNN_cat(100)
train(model_4, train_iter, valid_iter, num_epochs=20, learning_rate=1e-4)
# Results:
# Final Training Accuracy: 0.9676670535566241
# Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9829596412556054
Epoch 1: Train acc: 0.6000663239927043, Train loss: 0.6759776761657313 |Validation acc: 0.29596412556053814, Validation loss: 0.6750204347901874 Epoch 2: Train acc: 0.8278892389321837, Train loss: 0.5719994723012573 |Validation acc: 0.7300448430493274, Validation loss: 0.6222045603725646 Epoch 3: Train acc: 0.915271099320179, Train loss: 0.3676341379943647 |Validation acc: 0.9596412556053812, Validation loss: 0.2304677309261428 Epoch 4: Train acc: 0.9418006964019234, Train loss: 0.2565362821480161 |Validation acc: 0.967713004484305, Validation loss: 0.1730135733054744 Epoch 5: Train acc: 0.9567235947604046, Train loss: 0.19393194319778367 |Validation acc: 0.9605381165919282, Validation loss: 0.1650052677012152 Epoch 6: Train acc: 0.9277068479522467, Train loss: 0.18250038692433584 |Validation acc: 0.8914798206278027, Validation loss: 0.310514197167423 Epoch 7: Train acc: 0.9545680649975129, Train loss: 0.17159915766433664 |Validation acc: 0.9739910313901345, Validation loss: 0.19507517996761534 Epoch 8: Train acc: 0.9557287348698391, Train loss: 0.16195517340184826 |Validation acc: 0.9721973094170404, Validation loss: 0.19701212665273082 Epoch 9: Train acc: 0.9557287348698391, Train loss: 0.1532196528523376 |Validation acc: 0.979372197309417, Validation loss: 0.08571400731388065 Epoch 10: Train acc: 0.9529099651799038, Train loss: 0.13658128936627978 |Validation acc: 0.97847533632287, Validation loss: 0.07120659207511279 Epoch 11: Train acc: 0.9539048250704693, Train loss: 0.13929277831002285 |Validation acc: 0.9802690582959641, Validation loss: 0.08387348987162113 Epoch 12: Train acc: 0.9651799038302106, Train loss: 0.1322309566024495 |Validation acc: 0.97847533632287, Validation loss: 0.0936959056287176 Epoch 13: Train acc: 0.9618637041949926, Train loss: 0.1223948716284021 |Validation acc: 0.9766816143497757, Validation loss: 0.11590949984060393 Epoch 14: Train acc: 0.9636876139943624, Train loss: 0.12322672696195935 |Validation acc: 0.9668161434977578, Validation loss: 0.17013757810410526 Epoch 15: Train acc: 0.9699883933012767, Train loss: 0.12003948594394483 |Validation acc: 0.9730941704035875, Validation loss: 0.13199541733289757 Epoch 16: Train acc: 0.9567235947604046, Train loss: 0.11867616201848968 |Validation acc: 0.9820627802690582, Validation loss: 0.06081056550869511 Epoch 17: Train acc: 0.9693251533742331, Train loss: 0.10867868696192377 |Validation acc: 0.9802690582959641, Validation loss: 0.07790554801209106 Epoch 18: Train acc: 0.967832863538385, Train loss: 0.11118614061882622 |Validation acc: 0.979372197309417, Validation loss: 0.06568223698478606 Epoch 19: Train acc: 0.9703200132647986, Train loss: 0.11070939040938882 |Validation acc: 0.9811659192825112, Validation loss: 0.07962419046089053 Epoch 20: Train acc: 0.9676670535566241, Train loss: 0.10850700417435483 |Validation acc: 0.9829596412556054, Validation loss: 0.07319209440093902 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 146.06 seconds
Final Training Accuracy: 0.9676670535566241 Final Validation Accuracy: 0.9829596412556054
produces the best results, with a final validation accuracy of 98.3%
Before we deploy a machine learning model, we usually want to have a better understanding of how our model performs beyond its validation accuracy. An important metric to track is how well our model performs in certain subsets of the data.
In particular, what is the model's error rate amongst data with negative labels? This is called the false positive rate.
What about the model's error rate amongst data with positive labels? This is called the false negative rate.
Report your final model's false positive and false negative rate across the validation set.
# Create a Dataset of only spam validation examples
valid_spam =
[e for e in valid.examples if e.label == 1],
# Create a Dataset of only non-spam validation examples
valid_nospam =
[e for e in valid.examples if e.label == 0],
valid_spam_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms),
valid_nospam_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms),
valid_false_positive = 1 - get_accuracy(model_4, valid_nospam_iter)
valid_false_negative = 1 - get_accuracy(model_4, valid_spam_iter)
print("The false positive rate is", valid_false_positive*100, "%")
print("The false negative rate is", valid_false_negative*100, "%")
The false positive rate is 1.4507772020725396 % The false negative rate is 4.0000000000000036 %
The impact of a false positive vs a false negative can be drastically different. If our spam detection algorithm was deployed on your phone, what is the impact of a false positive on the phone's user? What is the impact of a false negative?
If the spam detection algorithm was deployed on my phone, a high false positive rate would mean that normal texts I receive can potentially be marked as spam as well. This could lead to the negligence or deletion of important texts that I might receive. On the other hand, a high false negative rate would mean that the algorithm is often labeling spam texts as normal texts, which means that it is not performing very well at reducing the amount of spam texts I might receive.
test_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms),
test_acc = get_accuracy(model_4, test_iter)
print("The final test accuracy of my model is", test_acc*100, "%")
The final test accuracy of my model is 97.3967684021544 %
Report the false positive rate and false negative rate of your model across the test set.
test_spam =
[e for e in test.examples if e.label == 1],
test_nospam =
[e for e in test.examples if e.label == 0],
test_spam_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms),
test_nospam_iter =,
sort_key=lambda x: len(x.sms),
test_false_positive = 1 - get_accuracy(model_4, test_nospam_iter)
test_false_negative = 1 - get_accuracy(model_4, test_spam_iter)
print("The false positive rate is", test_false_positive*100, "%")
print("The false negative rate is", test_false_negative*100, "%")
The false positive rate is 1.9689119170984481 % The false negative rate is 7.38255033557047 %
What is your model's prediction of the probability that the SMS message "machine learning is sooo cool!" is spam?
Hint: To begin, use text_field.vocab.stoi
to look up the index
of each character in the vocabulary.
msg = "machine learning is sooo cool!"
msg_stoi = []
for i in range(len(msg)):
test_msg = torch.LongTensor(msg_stoi).unsqueeze(dim=0)
pred = model_4(test_msg)
prob = F.softmax(pred, dim=1)
print("The probability that \"machine learning is sooo cool!\" is spam is", float(prob[0][1]*100), "%")
The probability that "machine learning is sooo cool!" is spam is 5.805425643920898 %
Do you think detecting spam is an easy or difficult task?
Since machine learning models are expensive to train and deploy, it is very important to compare our models against baseline models: a simple model that is easy to build and inexpensive to run that we can compare our recurrent neural network model against.
Explain how you might build a simple baseline model. This baseline model can be a simple neural network (with very few weights), a hand-written algorithm, or any other strategy that is easy to build and test.
Do not actually build a baseline model. Instead, provide instructions on how to build it.
In my opinion, it is not difficult to achieve high accuracies for spam detection using a recurrent neural network model. However, even with a high overall accuracy, the impact of false positives and false negatives can still be significant. So, it is important to reduce these errors as much as possible, which is the difficult part.
A simple baseline model could be built through targeting keywords in common spam messages and labeling any messages containing these keywords as spams. This can be an easy to build and inexpensive model to compare the recurrent neural network against.