Late Penalty: There is a penalty-free grace period of one hour past the deadline. Any work that is submitted between 1 hour and 24 hours past the deadline will receive a 20% grade deduction. No other late work is accepted. Quercus submission time will be used, not your local computer time. You can submit your labs as many times as you want before the deadline, so please submit often and early.
This lab is partially based on an assignment developed by Prof. Jonathan Rose and Harris Chan.
In this lab, you will train a convolutional neural network to classify an image into one of two classes: "cat" or "dog". The code for the neural networks you train will be written for you, and you are not (yet!) expected to understand all provided code. However, by the end of the lab, you should be able to:
Submit a PDF file containing all your code, outputs, and write-up from parts 1-5. You can produce a PDF of your Google Colab file by going to File > Print and then save as PDF. The Colab instructions has more information.
Do not submit any other files produced by your code.
Include a link to your colab file in your submission.
Please use Google Colab to complete this assignment. If you want to use Jupyter Notebook, please complete the assignment and upload your Jupyter Notebook file to Google Colab for submission.
With Colab, you can export a PDF file using the menu option
File -> Print
and save as PDF file. Adjust the scaling to ensure that the text is not cutoff at the margins.
Include a link to your colab file here
Colab Link:
import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torchvision
from import SubsetRandomSampler
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
We will be making use of the following helper functions. You will be asked to look at and possibly modify some of these, but you are not expected to understand all of them.
You should look at the function names and read the docstrings. If you are curious, come back and explore the code after making some progress on the lab.
# Data Loading
def get_relevant_indices(dataset, classes, target_classes):
""" Return the indices for datapoints in the dataset that belongs to the
desired target classes, a subset of all possible classes.
dataset: Dataset object
classes: A list of strings denoting the name of each class
target_classes: A list of strings denoting the name of desired classes
Should be a subset of the 'classes'
indices: list of indices that have labels corresponding to one of the
target classes
indices = []
for i in range(len(dataset)):
# Check if the label is in the target classes
label_index = dataset[i][1] # ex: 3
label_class = classes[label_index] # ex: 'cat'
if label_class in target_classes:
return indices
def get_data_loader(target_classes, batch_size):
""" Loads images of cats and dogs, splits the data into training, validation
and testing datasets. Returns data loaders for the three preprocessed datasets.
target_classes: A list of strings denoting the name of the desired
classes. Should be a subset of the argument 'classes'
batch_size: A int representing the number of samples per batch
train_loader: iterable training dataset organized according to batch size
val_loader: iterable validation dataset organized according to batch size
test_loader: iterable testing dataset organized according to batch size
classes: A list of strings denoting the name of each class
classes = ('plane', 'car', 'bird', 'cat',
'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck')
# The output of torchvision datasets are PILImage images of range [0, 1].
# We transform them to Tensors of normalized range [-1, 1].
transform = transforms.Compose(
transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5))])
# Load CIFAR10 training data
trainset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=True,
download=True, transform=transform)
# Get the list of indices to sample from
relevant_indices = get_relevant_indices(trainset, classes, target_classes)
# Split into train and validation
np.random.seed(1000) # Fixed numpy random seed for reproducible shuffling
split = int(len(relevant_indices) * 0.8) #split at 80%
# split into training and validation indices
relevant_train_indices, relevant_val_indices = relevant_indices[:split], relevant_indices[split:]
train_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(relevant_train_indices)
train_loader =, batch_size=batch_size,
num_workers=1, sampler=train_sampler)
val_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(relevant_val_indices)
val_loader =, batch_size=batch_size,
num_workers=1, sampler=val_sampler)
# Load CIFAR10 testing data
testset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root='./data', train=False,
download=True, transform=transform)
# Get the list of indices to sample from
relevant_test_indices = get_relevant_indices(testset, classes, target_classes)
test_sampler = SubsetRandomSampler(relevant_test_indices)
test_loader =, batch_size=batch_size,
num_workers=1, sampler=test_sampler)
return train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes
# Training
def get_model_name(name, batch_size, learning_rate, epoch):
""" Generate a name for the model consisting of all the hyperparameter values
config: Configuration object containing the hyperparameters
path: A string with the hyperparameter name and value concatenated
path = "model_{0}_bs{1}_lr{2}_epoch{3}".format(name,
return path
def normalize_label(labels):
Given a tensor containing 2 possible values, normalize this to 0/1
labels: a 1D tensor containing two possible scalar values
A tensor normalize to 0/1 value
max_val = torch.max(labels)
min_val = torch.min(labels)
norm_labels = (labels - min_val)/(max_val - min_val)
return norm_labels
def evaluate(net, loader, criterion):
""" Evaluate the network on the validation set.
net: PyTorch neural network object
loader: PyTorch data loader for the validation set
criterion: The loss function
err: A scalar for the avg classification error over the validation set
loss: A scalar for the average loss function over the validation set
total_loss = 0.0
total_err = 0.0
total_epoch = 0
for i, data in enumerate(loader, 0):
inputs, labels = data
labels = normalize_label(labels) # Convert labels to 0/1
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels.float())
corr = (outputs > 0.0).squeeze().long() != labels
total_err += int(corr.sum())
total_loss += loss.item()
total_epoch += len(labels)
err = float(total_err) / total_epoch
loss = float(total_loss) / (i + 1)
return err, loss
# Training Curve
def plot_training_curve(path):
""" Plots the training curve for a model run, given the csv files
containing the train/validation error/loss.
path: The base path of the csv files produced during training
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
train_err = np.loadtxt("{}_train_err.csv".format(path))
val_err = np.loadtxt("{}_val_err.csv".format(path))
train_loss = np.loadtxt("{}_train_loss.csv".format(path))
val_loss = np.loadtxt("{}_val_loss.csv".format(path))
plt.title("Train vs Validation Error")
n = len(train_err) # number of epochs
plt.plot(range(1,n+1), train_err, label="Train")
plt.plot(range(1,n+1), val_err, label="Validation")
plt.title("Train vs Validation Loss")
plt.plot(range(1,n+1), train_loss, label="Train")
plt.plot(range(1,n+1), val_loss, label="Validation")
We will make use of some of the CIFAR-10 data set, which consists of colour images of size 32x32 pixels belonging to 10 categories. You can find out more about the dataset at
For this assignment, we will only be using the cat and dog categories. We have included code that automatically downloads the dataset the first time that the main script is run.
# This will download the CIFAR-10 dataset to a folder called "data"
# the first time you run this code.
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes = get_data_loader(
target_classes=["cat", "dog"],
batch_size=1) # One image per batch
Downloading to ./data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz
Extracting ./data/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to ./data Files already downloaded and verified
Visualize some of the data by running the code below. Include the visualization in your writeup.
(You don't need to submit anything else.)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
k = 0
for images, labels in train_loader:
# since batch_size = 1, there is only 1 image in `images`
image = images[0]
# place the colour channel at the end, instead of at the beginning
img = np.transpose(image, [1,2,0])
# normalize pixel intensity values to [0, 1]
img = img / 2 + 0.5
plt.subplot(3, 5, k+1)
k += 1
if k > 14:
How many training examples do we have for the combined cat
and dog
What about validation examples?
What about test examples?
print("The number of training examples for the combined classes is",
print("The number of validation examples for the combined classes is",
print("The number of test examples for the combined classes is",
The number of training examples for the combined classes is 8000 The number of validation examples for the combined classes is 2000 The number of test examples for the combined classes is 2000
Why do we need a validation set when training our model? What happens if we judge the performance of our models using the training set loss/error instead of the validation set loss/error?
A validation set is needed when training a model because we require some way to verify the results of the trained model. By tracking the validation set loss/error, we can make more informed decisions when modifying the model architecture and tuning hyperparameters. If we judge the performance of our models using the training set loss/error, we may overfit our models to the training set and not generalize well to a brand-new data set.
We define two neural networks, a LargeNet
and SmallNet
We'll be training the networks in this section.
You won't understand fully what these networks are doing until the next few classes, and that's okay. For this assignment, please focus on learning how to train networks, and how hyperparameters affect training.
class LargeNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(LargeNet, self).__init__() = "large"
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 5, 5)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(5, 10, 5)
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(10 * 5 * 5, 32)
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(32, 1)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv1(x)))
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv2(x)))
x = x.view(-1, 10 * 5 * 5)
x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
x = self.fc2(x)
x = x.squeeze(1) # Flatten to [batch_size]
return x
class SmallNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(SmallNet, self).__init__() = "small"
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(3, 5, 3)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
self.fc = nn.Linear(5 * 7 * 7, 1)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.pool(F.relu(self.conv(x)))
x = self.pool(x)
x = x.view(-1, 5 * 7 * 7)
x = self.fc(x)
x = x.squeeze(1) # Flatten to [batch_size]
return x
small_net = SmallNet()
large_net = LargeNet()
The methods small_net.parameters()
and large_net.parameters()
produces an iterator of all the trainable parameters of the network.
These parameters are torch tensors containing many scalar values.
We haven't learned how how the parameters in these high-dimensional tensors will be used, but we should be able to count the number of parameters. Measuring the number of parameters in a network is one way of measuring the "size" of a network.
What is the total number of parameters in small_net
and in
? (Hint: how many numbers are in each tensor?)
size = 0
for param in small_net.parameters():
size += param.numel()
print("The total number of parameters in small_net is", size, "\n")
size = 0
for param in large_net.parameters():
size += param.numel()
print("The total number of parameters in large_net is", size)
torch.Size([5, 3, 3, 3]) torch.Size([5]) torch.Size([1, 245]) torch.Size([1]) The total number of parameters in small_net is 386 torch.Size([5, 3, 5, 5]) torch.Size([5]) torch.Size([10, 5, 5, 5]) torch.Size([10]) torch.Size([32, 250]) torch.Size([32]) torch.Size([1, 32]) torch.Size([1]) The total number of parameters in large_net is 9705
The function train_net
below takes an untrained neural network (like small_net
and large_net
) and
several other parameters. You should be able to understand how this function works.
The figure below shows the high level training loop for a machine learning model:
def train_net(net, batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.01, num_epochs=30):
# Train a classifier on cats vs dogs
target_classes = ["cat", "dog"]
# Fixed PyTorch random seed for reproducible result
# Obtain the PyTorch data loader objects to load batches of the datasets
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes = get_data_loader(
target_classes, batch_size)
# Define the Loss function and optimizer
# The loss function will be Binary Cross Entropy (BCE). In this case we
# will use the BCEWithLogitsLoss which takes unnormalized output from
# the neural network and scalar label.
# Optimizer will be SGD with Momentum.
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
optimizer = optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=0.9)
# Set up some numpy arrays to store the training/test loss/erruracy
train_err = np.zeros(num_epochs)
train_loss = np.zeros(num_epochs)
val_err = np.zeros(num_epochs)
val_loss = np.zeros(num_epochs)
# Train the network
# Loop over the data iterator and sample a new batch of training data
# Get the output from the network, and optimize our loss function.
start_time = time.time()
for epoch in range(num_epochs): # loop over the dataset multiple times
total_train_loss = 0.0
total_train_err = 0.0
total_epoch = 0
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader, 0):
# Get the inputs
inputs, labels = data
labels = normalize_label(labels) # Convert labels to 0/1
# Zero the parameter gradients
# Forward pass, backward pass, and optimize
outputs = net(inputs)
loss = criterion(outputs, labels.float())
# Calculate the statistics
corr = (outputs > 0.0).squeeze().long() != labels
total_train_err += int(corr.sum())
total_train_loss += loss.item()
total_epoch += len(labels)
train_err[epoch] = float(total_train_err) / total_epoch
train_loss[epoch] = float(total_train_loss) / (i+1)
val_err[epoch], val_loss[epoch] = evaluate(net, val_loader, criterion)
print(("Epoch {}: Train err: {}, Train loss: {} |"+
"Validation err: {}, Validation loss: {}").format(
epoch + 1,
# Save the current model (checkpoint) to a file
model_path = get_model_name(, batch_size, learning_rate, epoch), model_path)
print('Finished Training')
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
print("Total time elapsed: {:.2f} seconds".format(elapsed_time))
# Write the train/test loss/err into CSV file for plotting later
epochs = np.arange(1, num_epochs + 1)
np.savetxt("{}_train_err.csv".format(model_path), train_err)
np.savetxt("{}_train_loss.csv".format(model_path), train_loss)
np.savetxt("{}_val_err.csv".format(model_path), val_err)
np.savetxt("{}_val_loss.csv".format(model_path), val_loss)
The parameters to the function train_net
are hyperparameters of our neural network.
We made these hyperparameters easy to modify so that we can tune them later on.
What are the default values of the parameters batch_size
, learning_rate
and num_epochs
The default values of the parameters are batch_size=64
, learning_rate=0.01
and num_epochs=30
What files are written to disk when we call train_net
with small_net
, and train for 5 epochs? Provide a list
of all the files written to disk, and what information the files contain.
train_net(small_net, num_epochs=5)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.446375, Train loss: 0.6813716783523559 |Validation err: 0.3865, Validation loss: 0.6602997500449419 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.37325, Train loss: 0.6497629323005676 |Validation err: 0.3845, Validation loss: 0.6575995869934559 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.359875, Train loss: 0.6388978385925292 |Validation err: 0.3495, Validation loss: 0.6291275043040514 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.346375, Train loss: 0.6246587996482849 |Validation err: 0.356, Validation loss: 0.6221408396959305 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.334375, Train loss: 0.6153830280303955 |Validation err: 0.3275, Validation loss: 0.6188967823982239 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 18.12 seconds
The files written to disk are:
Train both small_net
and large_net
using the function train_net
and its default parameters.
The function will write many files to disk, including a model checkpoint (saved values of model weights)
at the end of each epoch.
If you are using Google Colab, you will need to mount Google Drive
so that the files generated by train_net
gets saved. We will be using
these files in part (d).
(See the Google Colab tutorial for more information about this.)
Report the total time elapsed when training each network. Which network took longer to train? Why?
# Since the function writes files to disk, you will need to mount
# your Google Drive. If you are working on the lab locally, you
# can comment out this code.
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/gdrive
small_net = SmallNet() # Reconstruct model since it was trained in Part (c)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.446375, Train loss: 0.6813716783523559 |Validation err: 0.3865, Validation loss: 0.6602997500449419 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.37325, Train loss: 0.6497629323005676 |Validation err: 0.3845, Validation loss: 0.6575995869934559 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.359875, Train loss: 0.6388978385925292 |Validation err: 0.3495, Validation loss: 0.6291275043040514 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.346375, Train loss: 0.6246587996482849 |Validation err: 0.356, Validation loss: 0.6221408396959305 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.334375, Train loss: 0.6153830280303955 |Validation err: 0.3275, Validation loss: 0.6188967823982239 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.318, Train loss: 0.6036732516288758 |Validation err: 0.339, Validation loss: 0.6094125052914023 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.315625, Train loss: 0.5944745948314667 |Validation err: 0.329, Validation loss: 0.5974238961935043 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.3085, Train loss: 0.5829453563690186 |Validation err: 0.3085, Validation loss: 0.5885121468454599 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.302, Train loss: 0.5805657277107239 |Validation err: 0.3115, Validation loss: 0.5845186104997993 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.29975, Train loss: 0.573062111377716 |Validation err: 0.309, Validation loss: 0.5785001656040549 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.287375, Train loss: 0.5632161114215851 |Validation err: 0.314, Validation loss: 0.5821095015853643 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.292125, Train loss: 0.5567435595989227 |Validation err: 0.3115, Validation loss: 0.5860895598307252 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.2885, Train loss: 0.5562505607604981 |Validation err: 0.306, Validation loss: 0.5769414035603404 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.280375, Train loss: 0.5473350758552551 |Validation err: 0.3115, Validation loss: 0.5721263345330954 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.285, Train loss: 0.5481121215820313 |Validation err: 0.305, Validation loss: 0.5623639700934291 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.2915, Train loss: 0.5539557900428772 |Validation err: 0.3135, Validation loss: 0.5774335078895092 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.28075, Train loss: 0.5475348830223083 |Validation err: 0.2995, Validation loss: 0.5680588381364942 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.279625, Train loss: 0.5440063354969025 |Validation err: 0.319, Validation loss: 0.576342330314219 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.27575, Train loss: 0.5402116534709931 |Validation err: 0.3295, Validation loss: 0.606647988781333 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.2715, Train loss: 0.5385935208797454 |Validation err: 0.298, Validation loss: 0.5778946885839105 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.27575, Train loss: 0.540246558189392 |Validation err: 0.302, Validation loss: 0.5672952607274055 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.279, Train loss: 0.5399930019378663 |Validation err: 0.2895, Validation loss: 0.5702174408361316 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.27325, Train loss: 0.5354620461463928 |Validation err: 0.303, Validation loss: 0.5667499387636781 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.27275, Train loss: 0.5359286315441132 |Validation err: 0.301, Validation loss: 0.5878297919407487 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.27325, Train loss: 0.5346703794002533 |Validation err: 0.297, Validation loss: 0.563475382514298 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.27025, Train loss: 0.5316284673213959 |Validation err: 0.2985, Validation loss: 0.5694020707160234 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.270375, Train loss: 0.5298305144309997 |Validation err: 0.301, Validation loss: 0.578824263997376 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.269625, Train loss: 0.5351403400897979 |Validation err: 0.3005, Validation loss: 0.5655373437330127 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.271875, Train loss: 0.5319398436546325 |Validation err: 0.2955, Validation loss: 0.5849009975790977 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.270875, Train loss: 0.5373601081371308 |Validation err: 0.3175, Validation loss: 0.5815494349226356 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 109.83 seconds Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.454375, Train loss: 0.6898944606781006 |Validation err: 0.4205, Validation loss: 0.6793290264904499 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.418875, Train loss: 0.6788924961090088 |Validation err: 0.4215, Validation loss: 0.6790428329259157 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.40525, Train loss: 0.6685061388015747 |Validation err: 0.3905, Validation loss: 0.6528578028082848 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.379125, Train loss: 0.6512472186088561 |Validation err: 0.3935, Validation loss: 0.6531118471175432 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.35525, Train loss: 0.6316115870475769 |Validation err: 0.3465, Validation loss: 0.6301526054739952 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.33675, Train loss: 0.6122225694656372 |Validation err: 0.352, Validation loss: 0.6261688079684973 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.3215, Train loss: 0.5984608561992645 |Validation err: 0.3475, Validation loss: 0.6187550257891417 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.31425, Train loss: 0.5851289410591125 |Validation err: 0.3205, Validation loss: 0.6030112085863948 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.3065, Train loss: 0.5784530780315399 |Validation err: 0.3205, Validation loss: 0.5930909719318151 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.29425, Train loss: 0.5654694662094116 |Validation err: 0.315, Validation loss: 0.5877073928713799 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.28075, Train loss: 0.553060997247696 |Validation err: 0.316, Validation loss: 0.595877917483449 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.278625, Train loss: 0.5416067514419556 |Validation err: 0.31, Validation loss: 0.5843141302466393 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.273375, Train loss: 0.5358790538311005 |Validation err: 0.2975, Validation loss: 0.5726522607728839 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.2685, Train loss: 0.5234937779903411 |Validation err: 0.2965, Validation loss: 0.5771211478859186 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.260125, Train loss: 0.5139133958816529 |Validation err: 0.2955, Validation loss: 0.5627784207463264 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.259375, Train loss: 0.5125633265972137 |Validation err: 0.3205, Validation loss: 0.58364431373775 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.24925, Train loss: 0.5033850579261779 |Validation err: 0.311, Validation loss: 0.5711408788338304 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.248125, Train loss: 0.4913763873577118 |Validation err: 0.296, Validation loss: 0.5609989166259766 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.23875, Train loss: 0.4821959674358368 |Validation err: 0.3045, Validation loss: 0.5786248967051506 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.23125, Train loss: 0.4757481541633606 |Validation err: 0.287, Validation loss: 0.580998913384974 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.22525, Train loss: 0.46251006150245666 |Validation err: 0.287, Validation loss: 0.5646722186356783 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.220375, Train loss: 0.4519791474342346 |Validation err: 0.2855, Validation loss: 0.5754687804728746 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.21375, Train loss: 0.44430874013900756 |Validation err: 0.288, Validation loss: 0.5742224156856537 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.207375, Train loss: 0.43036019349098203 |Validation err: 0.309, Validation loss: 0.6110728485509753 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.20175, Train loss: 0.4197188427448273 |Validation err: 0.2975, Validation loss: 0.5966625260189176 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.191125, Train loss: 0.4100140264034271 |Validation err: 0.2995, Validation loss: 0.6168392198160291 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.18725, Train loss: 0.4011841118335724 |Validation err: 0.3035, Validation loss: 0.6397394668310881 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.177375, Train loss: 0.38736681079864504 |Validation err: 0.3035, Validation loss: 0.614994109608233 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.170375, Train loss: 0.3770212644338608 |Validation err: 0.323, Validation loss: 0.7061460921540856 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.166125, Train loss: 0.3615760552883148 |Validation err: 0.3015, Validation loss: 0.6578065417706966 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 122.63 seconds
As shown in the code above, the total time elapsed for training small_net
is 109.83
seconds and the total time elapsed for training large_net
is 122.63
seconds. large_net
took longer to train because it has significantly more parameters to be updated compared to small_net
as shown in Part (a), which also means that it has a higher model complexity or capacity.
Use the function plot_training_curve
to display the trajectory of the
training/validation error and the training/validation loss.
You will need to use the function get_model_name
to generate the
argument to the plot_training_curve
Do this for both the small network and the large network. Include both plots in your writeup.
print("Small Network")
model_path = get_model_name("small", batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.01, epoch=29)
Small Network
print("Large Network")
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.01, epoch=29)
Large Network
Describe what you notice about the training curve.
How do the curves differ for small_net
and large_net
Identify any occurences of underfitting and overfitting.
The main differences between the training curves of small_net
and large_net
are that:
training error decreases much more rapidly at lower epochs compared to large_net
training curves are much less noisy compared to small_net
. For small_net
, underfitting occurs at lower epochs (0-17) since both training error/loss and validation error/loss decrease as the number of epochs increases. Underfitting becomes less prominent for small_net
as the number of epochs approaches 30 since the error and loss curves start to flatten out.
For large_net
, underfitting again occurs at lower epochs (0-17) since both training error/loss and validation error/loss decrease as the number of epochs increases. However, the model starts to overfit for larger numbers of epochs (18-29) since validation error/loss flattens out and increases as training error/loss continues to decrease.
For this section, we will work with large_net
Train large_net
with all default parameters, except set learning_rate=0.001
Does the model take longer/shorter to train?
Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of lowering the learning rate.
# Note: When we re-construct the model, we start the training
# with *random weights*. If we omit this code, the values of
# the weights will still be the previously trained values.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, learning_rate=0.001)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.001, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.47625, Train loss: 0.6928360013961792 |Validation err: 0.467, Validation loss: 0.6924686580896378 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.448625, Train loss: 0.6922589712142945 |Validation err: 0.4305, Validation loss: 0.691649341955781 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.43575, Train loss: 0.6916067280769348 |Validation err: 0.4285, Validation loss: 0.690854424610734 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.43, Train loss: 0.690861343383789 |Validation err: 0.424, Validation loss: 0.6896595880389214 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.434125, Train loss: 0.6899195008277893 |Validation err: 0.4195, Validation loss: 0.6886935643851757 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.43575, Train loss: 0.6887411961555481 |Validation err: 0.4195, Validation loss: 0.6867824867367744 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.437125, Train loss: 0.6873774147033691 |Validation err: 0.4185, Validation loss: 0.6851982977241278 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.4375, Train loss: 0.6859278454780579 |Validation err: 0.412, Validation loss: 0.683199780061841 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.424375, Train loss: 0.6844058036804199 |Validation err: 0.411, Validation loss: 0.6808880660682917 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.424, Train loss: 0.6828502931594849 |Validation err: 0.408, Validation loss: 0.6783502567559481 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.425375, Train loss: 0.6812348766326904 |Validation err: 0.4125, Validation loss: 0.6780214440077543 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.42, Train loss: 0.6796319708824158 |Validation err: 0.4125, Validation loss: 0.6753159202635288 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.414875, Train loss: 0.6777918744087219 |Validation err: 0.415, Validation loss: 0.6757059413939714 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.412375, Train loss: 0.6761112003326416 |Validation err: 0.412, Validation loss: 0.6739734839648008 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.40925, Train loss: 0.674472680568695 |Validation err: 0.415, Validation loss: 0.6706762500107288 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.406375, Train loss: 0.6727448840141297 |Validation err: 0.4105, Validation loss: 0.6707733049988747 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.4015, Train loss: 0.6713076601028443 |Validation err: 0.4045, Validation loss: 0.6671545393764973 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.3995, Train loss: 0.6696742882728577 |Validation err: 0.4055, Validation loss: 0.6646782550960779 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.40075, Train loss: 0.6679086356163025 |Validation err: 0.396, Validation loss: 0.6655019577592611 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.392375, Train loss: 0.665787980556488 |Validation err: 0.405, Validation loss: 0.6626011095941067 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.38975, Train loss: 0.6646300601959229 |Validation err: 0.394, Validation loss: 0.660687854513526 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.388875, Train loss: 0.662373058795929 |Validation err: 0.393, Validation loss: 0.6616998575627804 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.38425, Train loss: 0.6601516346931458 |Validation err: 0.3975, Validation loss: 0.6573981791734695 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.382375, Train loss: 0.6584009389877319 |Validation err: 0.386, Validation loss: 0.6561364810913801 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.37875, Train loss: 0.6554971766471863 |Validation err: 0.388, Validation loss: 0.6552744228392839 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.376625, Train loss: 0.6531173253059387 |Validation err: 0.3875, Validation loss: 0.6531743723899126 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.375, Train loss: 0.6503696331977844 |Validation err: 0.387, Validation loss: 0.6519789285957813 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.371375, Train loss: 0.6476435809135437 |Validation err: 0.3875, Validation loss: 0.6483502741903067 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.368375, Train loss: 0.6451257643699646 |Validation err: 0.3825, Validation loss: 0.6459067314863205 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.362625, Train loss: 0.6423329524993896 |Validation err: 0.3785, Validation loss: 0.6439237017184496 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 118.86 seconds
The model takes roughly the same amount of time to train compared to the default settings.
By lowering the learning rate from 0.01
to 0.001
, the size of each gradient descent step is smaller, which makes the error/loss to decrease slower compared to the default settings. As a result, the model no longer overfits for larger numbers of epochs.
Train large_net
with all default parameters, except set learning_rate=0.1
Does the model take longer/shorter to train?
Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of increasing the learning rate.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, learning_rate=0.1)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=64, learning_rate=0.1, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.4295, Train loss: 0.67437779712677 |Validation err: 0.3595, Validation loss: 0.6350857093930244 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.36075, Train loss: 0.6411805458068848 |Validation err: 0.3535, Validation loss: 0.6361209936439991 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.365125, Train loss: 0.6321813461780548 |Validation err: 0.3385, Validation loss: 0.6056603882461786 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.352625, Train loss: 0.6233456182479858 |Validation err: 0.3575, Validation loss: 0.6362800188362598 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.34075, Train loss: 0.6108013873100281 |Validation err: 0.3305, Validation loss: 0.6064918786287308 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.323375, Train loss: 0.5921835997104645 |Validation err: 0.317, Validation loss: 0.5967769594863057 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.3145, Train loss: 0.5817317583560944 |Validation err: 0.3365, Validation loss: 0.6204487886279821 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.29825, Train loss: 0.5660300073623658 |Validation err: 0.3285, Validation loss: 0.5983372200280428 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.290875, Train loss: 0.552809501171112 |Validation err: 0.3315, Validation loss: 0.6084455158561468 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.278625, Train loss: 0.539032607793808 |Validation err: 0.306, Validation loss: 0.5918631898239255 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.272375, Train loss: 0.5236025826931 |Validation err: 0.33, Validation loss: 0.6430060230195522 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.267375, Train loss: 0.5220149435997009 |Validation err: 0.2925, Validation loss: 0.6413561534136534 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.266, Train loss: 0.5160510110855102 |Validation err: 0.3125, Validation loss: 0.6349832843989134 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.24875, Train loss: 0.4951590054035187 |Validation err: 0.3145, Validation loss: 0.7193072671070695 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.264625, Train loss: 0.519231944322586 |Validation err: 0.314, Validation loss: 0.6381420725956559 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.252625, Train loss: 0.5020012385845184 |Validation err: 0.3225, Validation loss: 0.6551959458738565 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.23875, Train loss: 0.481714787364006 |Validation err: 0.357, Validation loss: 0.6440742611885071 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.23375, Train loss: 0.47645506453514097 |Validation err: 0.3375, Validation loss: 0.6777342790737748 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.218125, Train loss: 0.45134368968009947 |Validation err: 0.3445, Validation loss: 0.7232250478118658 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.217875, Train loss: 0.45516350817680357 |Validation err: 0.3245, Validation loss: 0.6354950983077288 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.23275, Train loss: 0.47897080445289614 |Validation err: 0.3255, Validation loss: 0.8348110988736153 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.234875, Train loss: 0.4808810565471649 |Validation err: 0.334, Validation loss: 0.7191346418112516 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.21575, Train loss: 0.4563647754192352 |Validation err: 0.316, Validation loss: 0.7083508176729083 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.2355, Train loss: 0.47718250966072084 |Validation err: 0.327, Validation loss: 0.7333047650754452 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.22025, Train loss: 0.4583414270877838 |Validation err: 0.3315, Validation loss: 0.7806987538933754 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.209625, Train loss: 0.4519626965522766 |Validation err: 0.3435, Validation loss: 0.7715998776257038 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.22175, Train loss: 0.4636160457134247 |Validation err: 0.3215, Validation loss: 0.7656293725594878 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.219375, Train loss: 0.46314777398109436 |Validation err: 0.348, Validation loss: 0.8202023077756166 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.235875, Train loss: 0.49053542733192446 |Validation err: 0.326, Validation loss: 0.8150460105389357 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.22, Train loss: 0.4623157248497009 |Validation err: 0.3165, Validation loss: 0.7585078496485949 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 120.09 seconds
The model takes roughly the same amount of time to train compared to the default settings.
By increasing the learning rate from 0.01
to 0.1
, the size of each gradient descent step is larger, which makes the error/loss to decrease faster compared to the default settings. As a result, the model starts to overfit much earlier compared to the default model.
Train large_net
with all default parameters, including with learning_rate=0.01
Now, set batch_size=512
. Does the model take longer/shorter to train?
Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of increasing the batch size.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, batch_size=512)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.01, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.48175, Train loss: 0.6929379552602768 |Validation err: 0.478, Validation loss: 0.6926824003458023 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.457625, Train loss: 0.6924104019999504 |Validation err: 0.434, Validation loss: 0.6917425245046616 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.437, Train loss: 0.6916500590741634 |Validation err: 0.4265, Validation loss: 0.6909129917621613 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.433625, Train loss: 0.6908449940383434 |Validation err: 0.424, Validation loss: 0.6897870451211929 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.434, Train loss: 0.6896935552358627 |Validation err: 0.424, Validation loss: 0.6881355047225952 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.438, Train loss: 0.688353206962347 |Validation err: 0.4285, Validation loss: 0.686011865735054 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.439375, Train loss: 0.6866871677339077 |Validation err: 0.426, Validation loss: 0.6836968809366226 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.43525, Train loss: 0.6849770769476891 |Validation err: 0.4115, Validation loss: 0.6814671903848648 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.42375, Train loss: 0.6832009293138981 |Validation err: 0.414, Validation loss: 0.679591491818428 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.421, Train loss: 0.6811089366674423 |Validation err: 0.416, Validation loss: 0.6771548539400101 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.420875, Train loss: 0.6794026419520378 |Validation err: 0.4095, Validation loss: 0.6748111099004745 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.41475, Train loss: 0.6768048219382763 |Validation err: 0.412, Validation loss: 0.6737060546875 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.4105, Train loss: 0.6749702803790569 |Validation err: 0.412, Validation loss: 0.6706101596355438 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.407125, Train loss: 0.6730880849063396 |Validation err: 0.4125, Validation loss: 0.6692148000001907 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.4005, Train loss: 0.6706806942820549 |Validation err: 0.4105, Validation loss: 0.667252704501152 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.397625, Train loss: 0.6691771410405636 |Validation err: 0.405, Validation loss: 0.6649097055196762 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.393875, Train loss: 0.6675694733858109 |Validation err: 0.401, Validation loss: 0.6630224883556366 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.393, Train loss: 0.6648042872548103 |Validation err: 0.3945, Validation loss: 0.6624014377593994 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.38625, Train loss: 0.662746611982584 |Validation err: 0.388, Validation loss: 0.6597220152616501 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.38175, Train loss: 0.6596181839704514 |Validation err: 0.4005, Validation loss: 0.6564337313175201 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.38575, Train loss: 0.6584899798035622 |Validation err: 0.3885, Validation loss: 0.6586423963308334 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.378125, Train loss: 0.655123382806778 |Validation err: 0.3855, Validation loss: 0.6528600305318832 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.372125, Train loss: 0.6508794128894806 |Validation err: 0.3835, Validation loss: 0.6497963815927505 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.37675, Train loss: 0.6488028429448605 |Validation err: 0.385, Validation loss: 0.6474899500608444 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.368625, Train loss: 0.6445869170129299 |Validation err: 0.382, Validation loss: 0.6473268568515778 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.372625, Train loss: 0.6428566053509712 |Validation err: 0.3745, Validation loss: 0.6425703465938568 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.359375, Train loss: 0.6372117549180984 |Validation err: 0.379, Validation loss: 0.6397799849510193 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.35425, Train loss: 0.6337667480111122 |Validation err: 0.3695, Validation loss: 0.6403783112764359 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.3535, Train loss: 0.6311353109776974 |Validation err: 0.366, Validation loss: 0.6335585117340088 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.353, Train loss: 0.6283832415938377 |Validation err: 0.3675, Validation loss: 0.6324127316474915 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 104.53 seconds
The model takes less time to train compared to the default settings.
By increasing the batch size from 64
to 512
, the model no longer overfits for larger numbers of epochs. However, the new model results in slightly higher training error/loss and validation error compared to the default settings.
Train large_net
with all default parameters, including with learning_rate=0.01
Now, set batch_size=16
. Does the model take longer/shorter to train?
Plot the training curve. Describe the effect of decreasing the batch size.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, batch_size=16)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=16, learning_rate=0.01, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.43175, Train loss: 0.6774994022846222 |Validation err: 0.382, Validation loss: 0.6513170118331909 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.369, Train loss: 0.639639899969101 |Validation err: 0.3465, Validation loss: 0.6161113576889038 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.34375, Train loss: 0.6098222947120666 |Validation err: 0.3325, Validation loss: 0.6260210764408112 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.314375, Train loss: 0.5849691489338875 |Validation err: 0.34, Validation loss: 0.6044013917446136 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.301125, Train loss: 0.5689119303822517 |Validation err: 0.3125, Validation loss: 0.576918310880661 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.281, Train loss: 0.5452213581204415 |Validation err: 0.308, Validation loss: 0.5708447456359863 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.270875, Train loss: 0.5272981298565864 |Validation err: 0.307, Validation loss: 0.5854293291568756 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.259375, Train loss: 0.5070905526578426 |Validation err: 0.313, Validation loss: 0.5877130818367005 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.242375, Train loss: 0.4968344421982765 |Validation err: 0.313, Validation loss: 0.5922425072193146 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.236375, Train loss: 0.4756101597249508 |Validation err: 0.297, Validation loss: 0.5718690166473389 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.222125, Train loss: 0.4599769461452961 |Validation err: 0.2975, Validation loss: 0.6376970833539963 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.211, Train loss: 0.4454492371380329 |Validation err: 0.2995, Validation loss: 0.609202565908432 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.19875, Train loss: 0.4245421719551086 |Validation err: 0.3075, Validation loss: 0.6494987765550614 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.18675, Train loss: 0.4007472907453775 |Validation err: 0.3085, Validation loss: 0.6610016552209854 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.1645, Train loss: 0.3759974058121443 |Validation err: 0.3105, Validation loss: 0.7106090537309646 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.16125, Train loss: 0.3591455406397581 |Validation err: 0.3005, Validation loss: 0.7310364942550659 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.15775, Train loss: 0.3463234790861607 |Validation err: 0.307, Validation loss: 0.7263009325265884 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.141625, Train loss: 0.32175366275012496 |Validation err: 0.3195, Validation loss: 0.7913952842950821 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.13375, Train loss: 0.30618105667084455 |Validation err: 0.335, Validation loss: 0.8032052783966065 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.126625, Train loss: 0.3029071792438626 |Validation err: 0.32, Validation loss: 0.8106685240268707 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.12025, Train loss: 0.28682796490937473 |Validation err: 0.3205, Validation loss: 0.8259474284648896 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.1165, Train loss: 0.27489088076353074 |Validation err: 0.352, Validation loss: 0.8937610774040222 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.104375, Train loss: 0.2467898527495563 |Validation err: 0.3315, Validation loss: 1.0021928198337555 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.101, Train loss: 0.23970085787773132 |Validation err: 0.331, Validation loss: 1.1290796399116516 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.09575, Train loss: 0.23643119425699116 |Validation err: 0.3315, Validation loss: 1.1338514368534087 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.094125, Train loss: 0.2325953512713313 |Validation err: 0.3365, Validation loss: 1.1414263204336166 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.08425, Train loss: 0.21040759468451142 |Validation err: 0.3335, Validation loss: 1.1823678107261657 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.0825, Train loss: 0.20643112615589052 |Validation err: 0.323, Validation loss: 1.266836181640625 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.0845, Train loss: 0.21273409337876364 |Validation err: 0.3245, Validation loss: 1.406717705130577 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.071375, Train loss: 0.18387044295761734 |Validation err: 0.345, Validation loss: 1.4871552000045776 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 181.00 seconds
The model takes more time to train compared to the default settings.
By decreasing the batch size from 64
to 16
, the model starts to overfit much earlier. However, the new model results in a lower training error/loss but a much higher validation loss compared to the default settings.
The set of hyperparameter values I have chosen is (large_net, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.001)
I chose large_net
because based on Part 2(f), it is observed that large_net
is less susceptible to noise compared to small_net
. However, it will overfit at larger numbers of epochs so the remaining hyperparameters will need to be adjusted to compensate for this.
I chose batch_size=512
and learning_rate=0.001
because based on Part 3(a) and Part 3(c), increasing the batch size and decreasing the learning rate can help reduce overfitting at larger numbers of epochs.
Train the model with the hyperparameters you chose in part(a), and include the training curve.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.001)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.001, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.48825, Train loss: 0.6930677480995655 |Validation err: 0.4955, Validation loss: 0.6931362152099609 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.483125, Train loss: 0.692995510995388 |Validation err: 0.4945, Validation loss: 0.6930360496044159 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.480375, Train loss: 0.6929280497133732 |Validation err: 0.493, Validation loss: 0.6929539889097214 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.477, Train loss: 0.6928808391094208 |Validation err: 0.4885, Validation loss: 0.692870706319809 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.473375, Train loss: 0.692774411290884 |Validation err: 0.4835, Validation loss: 0.6927504986524582 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.469, Train loss: 0.6926896274089813 |Validation err: 0.472, Validation loss: 0.6926551759243011 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.46325, Train loss: 0.692620363086462 |Validation err: 0.47, Validation loss: 0.6925524920225143 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.46225, Train loss: 0.6925435550510883 |Validation err: 0.463, Validation loss: 0.6924485266208649 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.459625, Train loss: 0.6924680322408676 |Validation err: 0.457, Validation loss: 0.6923621594905853 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.458, Train loss: 0.6923965662717819 |Validation err: 0.4555, Validation loss: 0.6922826021909714 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.454875, Train loss: 0.6923230737447739 |Validation err: 0.4505, Validation loss: 0.6921818852424622 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.4535, Train loss: 0.6922412514686584 |Validation err: 0.441, Validation loss: 0.6920914500951767 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.450375, Train loss: 0.6921614557504654 |Validation err: 0.437, Validation loss: 0.691996842622757 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.44725, Train loss: 0.6921032443642616 |Validation err: 0.433, Validation loss: 0.6918932348489761 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.449375, Train loss: 0.6920064650475979 |Validation err: 0.432, Validation loss: 0.6917892098426819 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.44425, Train loss: 0.6919283680617809 |Validation err: 0.432, Validation loss: 0.6916972398757935 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.441375, Train loss: 0.6918644718825817 |Validation err: 0.431, Validation loss: 0.6916135102510452 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.438125, Train loss: 0.6917712315917015 |Validation err: 0.4295, Validation loss: 0.6915201395750046 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.436375, Train loss: 0.6917018257081509 |Validation err: 0.428, Validation loss: 0.6914086490869522 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.436375, Train loss: 0.6915871091187 |Validation err: 0.4275, Validation loss: 0.6913044154644012 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.437, Train loss: 0.6915052235126495 |Validation err: 0.4285, Validation loss: 0.6911860555410385 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.438625, Train loss: 0.6914149634540081 |Validation err: 0.428, Validation loss: 0.6910803616046906 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.436875, Train loss: 0.6912974379956722 |Validation err: 0.428, Validation loss: 0.6909734457731247 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.436875, Train loss: 0.6912120543420315 |Validation err: 0.425, Validation loss: 0.6908644735813141 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.435125, Train loss: 0.6910865269601345 |Validation err: 0.4255, Validation loss: 0.6907256692647934 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.434625, Train loss: 0.6910119205713272 |Validation err: 0.4245, Validation loss: 0.6906051337718964 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.43675, Train loss: 0.6909283325076103 |Validation err: 0.4265, Validation loss: 0.6904648989439011 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.43575, Train loss: 0.6908275187015533 |Validation err: 0.4265, Validation loss: 0.6903413087129593 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.436375, Train loss: 0.6906765103340149 |Validation err: 0.423, Validation loss: 0.6901802867650986 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.435625, Train loss: 0.6905755028128624 |Validation err: 0.4235, Validation loss: 0.6900565475225449 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 109.07 seconds
Based on your result from Part(a), suggest another set of hyperparameter values to try. Justify your choice.
Based on the results of Part (a), the improved set of hyperparameter values I have chosen is (large_net, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.05, num_epochs=19)
Despite the fact that increasing the batch size and decreasing the learning rate helped reduce overfitting, the combined effect also greatly reduced the rate at which error/loss decreases. As a result, I decided to increase the learning rate to 0.05
and let the error/loss decrease more rapidly.
Increasing the learning rate introduced some minor overfitting at the larger epoch range, specifically epochs 20-30. So, I chose to reduce the number of epochs to 19
as well.
Train the model with the hyperparameters you chose in part(c), and include the training curve.
large_net = LargeNet()
train_net(large_net, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.05, num_epochs=19)
model_path = get_model_name("large", batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.05, epoch=18)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.49375, Train loss: 0.6928116045892239 |Validation err: 0.423, Validation loss: 0.6905251741409302 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.443125, Train loss: 0.688632857054472 |Validation err: 0.427, Validation loss: 0.6822147369384766 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.44325, Train loss: 0.6826433055102825 |Validation err: 0.4225, Validation loss: 0.6766358017921448 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.42125, Train loss: 0.6766663640737534 |Validation err: 0.3995, Validation loss: 0.6669993251562119 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.39575, Train loss: 0.665775328874588 |Validation err: 0.4045, Validation loss: 0.6614061146974564 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.38675, Train loss: 0.6580385267734528 |Validation err: 0.39, Validation loss: 0.6528950929641724 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.376, Train loss: 0.6504689082503319 |Validation err: 0.367, Validation loss: 0.6434173136949539 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.37125, Train loss: 0.63962047919631 |Validation err: 0.3495, Validation loss: 0.6287297606468201 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.355125, Train loss: 0.6284837387502193 |Validation err: 0.3485, Validation loss: 0.6265468597412109 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.346125, Train loss: 0.6172070913016796 |Validation err: 0.3455, Validation loss: 0.6206691563129425 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.33125, Train loss: 0.6070893071591854 |Validation err: 0.3275, Validation loss: 0.6144364476203918 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.323125, Train loss: 0.5968068800866604 |Validation err: 0.322, Validation loss: 0.6053186058998108 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.31625, Train loss: 0.5853234939277172 |Validation err: 0.3305, Validation loss: 0.6029408276081085 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.307875, Train loss: 0.5738637149333954 |Validation err: 0.339, Validation loss: 0.6357403099536896 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.30075, Train loss: 0.5687415562570095 |Validation err: 0.3295, Validation loss: 0.595936581492424 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.298875, Train loss: 0.5618034973740578 |Validation err: 0.3085, Validation loss: 0.5831653028726578 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.27875, Train loss: 0.5433838963508606 |Validation err: 0.318, Validation loss: 0.5875828564167023 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.272125, Train loss: 0.5364223718643188 |Validation err: 0.3085, Validation loss: 0.5819875150918961 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.274, Train loss: 0.5351713746786118 |Validation err: 0.2995, Validation loss: 0.5825539380311966 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 63.01 seconds
Choose the best model that you have so far. This means choosing the best model checkpoint,
including the choice of small_net
vs large_net
, the batch_size
, learning_rate
and the epoch number.
Modify the code below to load your chosen set of weights to the model object net
net = LargeNet()
model_path = get_model_name(, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.05, epoch=18)
state = torch.load(model_path)
<All keys matched successfully>
Justify your choice of model from part (a).
I chose large_net
because based on Part 2(f), it is observed that large_net
is less susceptible to noise compared to small_net
. However, it will overfit at larger numbers of epochs so the remaining hyperparameters will need to be adjusted to compensate for this.
I chose batch_size=512
because based on Part 3(a), increasing the batch size can help reduce overfitting at larger numbers of epochs and reduce model training time.
I chose learning_rate=0.05
so the model can learn faster by letting the error/loss decrease more rapidly.
I chose num_epochs=19
because the model overfits at greater numbers of epochs.
Using the code in Part 0, any code from lecture notes, or any code that you write, compute and report the test classification error for your chosen model.
# If you use the `evaluate` function provided in part 0, you will need to
# set batch_size > 1
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes = get_data_loader(
target_classes=["cat", "dog"],
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
err, loss = evaluate(net, test_loader, criterion)
print("The test classification error is", err, "and the test loss is", loss)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified The test classification error is 0.304 and the test loss is 0.5739964246749878
How does the test classification error compare with the validation error? Explain why you would expect the test error to be higher than the validation error.
The test classification error is 0.304
and the validation error is 0.2995
. While the errors are quite similar, the test classification error is indeed slightly higher compared to the validation error. This is expected because the test error is an indication of how the model will perform on a new data set. The test set has only been shown to the model for the first time while the validation set has been used quite extensively when searching for the best hyperparameters.
Why did we only use the test data set at the very end? Why is it important that we use the test data as little as possible?
The test data set is used at the very end because it is utilized to provide a realistic estimate of how the model will perform on a brand-new data set. It is important that the test data is used as little as possible because it is crucial to not make any neural network architecture decisions based on test data or test accuracy. Otherwise, bias towards the test data set will be introduced and the model will be overfitted to the test data.
How does the your best CNN model compare with an 2-layer ANN model (no convolutional layers) on classifying cat and dog images. You can use a 2-layer ANN architecture similar to what you used in Lab 1. You should explore different hyperparameter settings to determine how well you can do on the validation dataset. Once satisified with the performance, you may test it out on the test data.
Hint: The ANN in lab 1 was applied on greyscale images. The cat and dog images are colour (RGB) and so you will need to flatted and concatinate all three colour layers before feeding them into an ANN.
class Pigeon(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(Pigeon, self).__init__() = "pigeon"
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(32 * 32 * 3, 30)
self.layer2 = nn.Linear(30, 1)
def forward(self, img):
flattened = img.view(-1, 32 * 32 * 3)
activation1 = self.layer1(flattened)
activation1 = F.relu(activation1)
activation2 = self.layer2(activation1)
activation2 = activation2.squeeze(1)
return activation2
# Training
pigeon = Pigeon()
train_net(pigeon, batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.001)
model_path = get_model_name("pigeon", batch_size=512, learning_rate=0.001, epoch=29)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified Epoch 1: Train err: 0.487125, Train loss: 0.6943724788725376 |Validation err: 0.4605, Validation loss: 0.689177542924881 Epoch 2: Train err: 0.456625, Train loss: 0.6874385997653008 |Validation err: 0.4305, Validation loss: 0.6826355457305908 Epoch 3: Train err: 0.4335, Train loss: 0.6813802681863308 |Validation err: 0.42, Validation loss: 0.6785184442996979 Epoch 4: Train err: 0.422, Train loss: 0.6772349141538143 |Validation err: 0.421, Validation loss: 0.6753996312618256 Epoch 5: Train err: 0.4145, Train loss: 0.6739057414233685 |Validation err: 0.4205, Validation loss: 0.673160195350647 Epoch 6: Train err: 0.4105, Train loss: 0.6715681962668896 |Validation err: 0.4135, Validation loss: 0.6711207330226898 Epoch 7: Train err: 0.408625, Train loss: 0.6692988276481628 |Validation err: 0.41, Validation loss: 0.6695920825004578 Epoch 8: Train err: 0.405375, Train loss: 0.6673070974647999 |Validation err: 0.407, Validation loss: 0.6680852025747299 Epoch 9: Train err: 0.402, Train loss: 0.6657969579100609 |Validation err: 0.41, Validation loss: 0.6667183190584183 Epoch 10: Train err: 0.403125, Train loss: 0.6642512530088425 |Validation err: 0.4035, Validation loss: 0.665614053606987 Epoch 11: Train err: 0.3985, Train loss: 0.6624419838190079 |Validation err: 0.3975, Validation loss: 0.6645730435848236 Epoch 12: Train err: 0.3955, Train loss: 0.6607705317437649 |Validation err: 0.3985, Validation loss: 0.6635369509458542 Epoch 13: Train err: 0.393625, Train loss: 0.6597073785960674 |Validation err: 0.3965, Validation loss: 0.662675067782402 Epoch 14: Train err: 0.392125, Train loss: 0.6582720205187798 |Validation err: 0.3935, Validation loss: 0.6616563946008682 Epoch 15: Train err: 0.391, Train loss: 0.6568984352052212 |Validation err: 0.3955, Validation loss: 0.6609941273927689 Epoch 16: Train err: 0.389625, Train loss: 0.655973594635725 |Validation err: 0.3955, Validation loss: 0.6601681262254715 Epoch 17: Train err: 0.386625, Train loss: 0.6548884995281696 |Validation err: 0.395, Validation loss: 0.6590256094932556 Epoch 18: Train err: 0.385875, Train loss: 0.6536205783486366 |Validation err: 0.3935, Validation loss: 0.659050315618515 Epoch 19: Train err: 0.38525, Train loss: 0.6526415199041367 |Validation err: 0.3925, Validation loss: 0.6581411957740784 Epoch 20: Train err: 0.38375, Train loss: 0.6514371633529663 |Validation err: 0.3925, Validation loss: 0.6574095785617828 Epoch 21: Train err: 0.382875, Train loss: 0.6509279534220695 |Validation err: 0.393, Validation loss: 0.6570215225219727 Epoch 22: Train err: 0.383625, Train loss: 0.6505362801253796 |Validation err: 0.391, Validation loss: 0.6563445180654526 Epoch 23: Train err: 0.383375, Train loss: 0.6491378732025623 |Validation err: 0.393, Validation loss: 0.6562289595603943 Epoch 24: Train err: 0.38075, Train loss: 0.6479924693703651 |Validation err: 0.3905, Validation loss: 0.6560273319482803 Epoch 25: Train err: 0.38175, Train loss: 0.6469727531075478 |Validation err: 0.3925, Validation loss: 0.6550809890031815 Epoch 26: Train err: 0.379375, Train loss: 0.6461551114916801 |Validation err: 0.391, Validation loss: 0.654788002371788 Epoch 27: Train err: 0.379875, Train loss: 0.6453301012516022 |Validation err: 0.3895, Validation loss: 0.6543925106525421 Epoch 28: Train err: 0.378, Train loss: 0.6450622528791428 |Validation err: 0.3855, Validation loss: 0.6537979692220688 Epoch 29: Train err: 0.378, Train loss: 0.6434877142310143 |Validation err: 0.385, Validation loss: 0.6534916311502457 Epoch 30: Train err: 0.37725, Train loss: 0.6432384327054024 |Validation err: 0.383, Validation loss: 0.6536015421152115 Finished Training Total time elapsed: 62.51 seconds
# Testing
train_loader, val_loader, test_loader, classes = get_data_loader(
target_classes=["cat", "dog"],
criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()
err, loss = evaluate(pigeon, test_loader, criterion)
print("The test classification error is", err, "and the test loss is", loss)
Files already downloaded and verified Files already downloaded and verified The test classification error is 0.381 and the test loss is 0.6476677060127258
As shown in the code above, the best test classification error achieved using a 2-layer ANN architecture is 0.381
. This is much higher compared to the 0.304
test classification error produced using the CNN model. Therefore, a CNN architecture is more suited for this problem of cats vs dogs classification.